The Remarried Empress was originally published on Webtoon for English audiences and can still be read there. This series is ongoing.
The Trovi family has always been close to the Emperors of the Eastern Empire, often marrying their daughters to the crown prince. This is the case for Navier Trovi as well. When she was young, Emperor Osis III chose her to be his son’s betrothed, and she was raised to be the future Empress. As Sovieshu and Navier grew up together, they bonded and had a close friendship. They were more than happy with the marriage arrangement, and everyone in the empire saw them as a perfectly suited couple. Once they took the throne, the Empire flourished, and the people loved their Emperor and Empress. Everything was happy and peaceful.
That is, until Rashta appears.
One day while on a hunting trip, Sovieshu comes across a beautiful woman caught in one of his traps. Her leg is injured because of it, and he whisks her away to the palace to care for her. This means nothing to Navier at first. She’s confident her husband is simply a kind and generous man and is taking responsibility for the situation. But rumors keep swirling around the court of Rashta being a runaway slave, of Soveishu’s adoration for her, and how he plans to take her as his mistress.
Though she was raised knowing that the Emperor is allowed by law to take on mistresses, Navier can’t help but feel a hollowness in her chest at the thought. She does what a good Empress would do, though, and acts with grace through the whole thing. Even when Rashta doesn’t show her the proper decorum. Even when she is forced into uncomfortable situations she shouldn’t need to deal with. Even when Sovieshu berates and insults her person in front of court nobles.
But Navier doesn’t let any of it phase her. She knows her worth. She knows the laws. And she will not take this injustice sitting down.
After all, she was born to rule.

The Good
The Remarried Empress is an incredibly enjoyable read. Full of drama, political intrigue, budding romances and more, it’s a story that–once I started reading–I couldn’t put down. Similarly to Villains are Destined to Die, The Remarried Empress started as a webcomic and is now being traditionally published in print and in full color. Truly, there has been no better time than now to be a reader.
Navier is such a badass female lead, I just can’t get enough of her. It’s plain to see early into the book that she does everything with poise, grace, and confidence. She was raised to be Empress, and every aspect of her personality carries that weight as if it were nothing. This doesn’t mean that she is cold, sterile, or unfeeling like some believe her to be. Quite the contrary, Navier is someone who feels with her whole heart and is just as susceptible to heartache and happiness as the next person. She just knows that it is her duty to compartmentalize those feelings to better serve the people of her country. She wouldn’t be considered the great Empress she is or as beloved by her people if she let every little thing send her into a tizzy, after all. And while Sovieshu bringing home a mistress has been the most extreme moment in her life, it is still no exception.
The entire cast of The Remarried Empress is great. Sovieshu, Rashta, Heinrey, the ladies-in-waiting–all of them have their own personalities and agendas that play into the story. Each interaction was enjoyable to read, whether it made me smile, enraged me, or tore at my heart. And each scene plays into the larger plot. Nothing happens without a reason, even if the effect isn’t immediately seen. Then there’s Heinrey. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the casanova quickly. His doting and protective disposition towards Navier is tooth-achingly sweet, and seeing Navier slowly start to warm up to him brought a smile to my face every time they were together.
As a whole, the plot is well written and thought out. The story is high fantasy, and though there is little shown or discussed about other countries, there is enough dialogue to point to a much larger world than what is currently in play. The tidbits of information sprinkled here and there and the foreshadowing hidden behind each charged conversation is fantastic. It’s one of the many reasons that kept me flipping through the pages (and later, endlessly scrolling on my phone).
The Bad
Yet again, I struggle to find anything I can critique. The Remarried Empress is another 10/10, Gold Star, force-my-friends-to-read-it sort of title. I couldn’t get enough of Navier, her cold conversations with Sovieshu, her budding relationship with Heinrey, or her chess-playing mind. I even ate up Rashta’s scenes like candy, and I hate her!
The only negative thing I can think to mention is that the art–though beautiful–looks a little dated, and the colors aren’t quite as vibrant on the page as they are on my phone. This is in no way bad enough to dock points from the series, but some might change their mind on which format to read the series because of it.
The Verdict
The Remarried Empress is a fantastic read. Navier is the kind of main character that I love–she’s strong-willed, intelligent, and graceful, but she’s also human and relatable, too. Just because she has a great poker face doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have feelings, and as her story unfolded, everything contributed to making her feel real. For anyone who enjoys romantic dramas, court politics, or fuck-around-find-out stories, then look no further than The Remarried Empress.
The Remarried Empress can be purchased at Barnes & Noble, Right Stuf, and Bookshop.
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Adapted by HereLee
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The Good
- Fantastic female lead
- Intricate plot with good twists
- Supporting characters are well fleshed out
The Bad
- Art looks a little dull in print
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