Piofiore: Fated Memories – Finale Route Walkthrough (Spoiler‑Free)

"Signorina, I fear for you, stepping into the world of the Mafia." - ???

GAME CONTENT WARNING: This game contains graphic and mature content that may not be suitable for all players. Blood, violence, and drug use are heavy throughout the playthrough, and some routes contain scenes of sexual assault. Please read our elaborated list of possible triggers we have enclosed in this article (the list will contain some spoilers).

Things To Keep In Mind

  • This is a guide to both endings, general bad endings, and is as spoiler-free as possible. Following all of these character guides–as well as completing the side stories when they unlock–should get you every CG and dictionary term. These guides are still in the process of being made, so please check back for any updates!
  • Throughout the gameplay, Meanwhile Stories will become available. There will be an indicator in the top left corner of the screen when one has been unlocked. Required ones will play automatically, but optional ones will have to be manually selected. In this route, there are Meanwhile Stories that should not be played. These specific ones are listed in this guide. All others should be played like normal.

Recommended Playthrough Order

  1. Nicola Francesca
  2. Yang
  3. Orlok
  4. Dante Falzone
  5. Gilbert Redford
  6. Finale (You are here!)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Finale

  1. You’ll have a happy life.
  2. I understand why they left.
  3. (Intervene.)
  4. (Ask a question.)
  5. (Speak to the person.)
  6. Of course.
  7. (Give thanks for the day.)
  8. You’re right, he is a nice person.
  9. … It’s unusual to see someone so young.
  10. Just keep smiling.
  11. (Be clear about it.)
  12. It’s delicious.
    (Skip Meanwhile Story ‘Explain’.)
  13. Don’t you think it’s wasteful?
  14. Sure…
    (Skip Meanwhile Story ‘Question’.)
    (Skip Meanwhile Story ‘Beckoning’.)
  15. But how did you negotiate, Oliver?
  16. Did something happen before?
  17. I don’t want to go, but…
  18. (Stay quiet.)
  19. Thank you…
    (Skip Meanwhile Stories ‘Suspicion’ and ‘Timing’.)
  20. (Visit the Falzone.)
  21. Please don’t apologize.
  22. A child who didn’t like it?
  23. Are you two okay?
  24. I couldn’t ask him to go away…
    (Skip Meanwhile Story ‘Uninvited’.)
  25. It’s my first time seeing them.
  26. I’m concerned about the Lao-Shu.
  27. I want to say hi to Sister Sofia.
  28. (Ask her.)
  29. (Take a bite.)
    (Skip Meanwhile Story ‘Checkmate’.)
  30. I don’t mind.
  31. God won’t mind.
    (Save the Game 1)
  32. (I’d better check to see…)
  33. I’m with the Visconti now.
  34. I can’t just let things be.
  35. There are things I can do.
  36. You’re right.
  37. I really want to know.
  38. I’ll go back to the church.
  39. Not really, but…
  40. I better get back to my duties!
  41. Did you come to pray?
    (Save the Game 2)
  42. It’s probably too late.
  43. Something doesn’t feel right…
  44. (Go to find the doctor.)
  45. (Retaliate.)
  46. Yes, I know him.
  47. Does it still hurt?
  48. Does it hurt?
    (Save the Game 3)
  49. Do you mind if I stay?
  50. You don’t have to force yourself.
  51. Where is Orlok?
    (Save the Game 4)
  52. I want to meet him.
  53. For saying that you’ll protect me.
  54. I want to go.
  55. It’ll be fine.
    (Save the Game 5)
  56. I couldn’t forgive him.
  57. I have an illness!
    (Finale End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Henri End

Load Save 5

  1. I could forgive him.
  2. I am.
  3. Yes.
  4. No.
  5. It’s my fate.
  6. Yes.
  7. I have an illness!
    (Henri End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Bad End 1

Load Save 1

  1. (I can’t keep Gil waiting.)
  2. I’ll go back to the church.
  3. I’d better get back to my duties!
  4. Is there a meeting tonight?
  5. It’s probably too late.
  6. Something doesn’t feel right…
  7. (Go to find the doctor.)
  8. (Retaliate.)
    (Bad End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Bad End 2

Load Save 2

  1. I’ll go see who it is.
    (Bad End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Bad End 3

Load Save 3

  1. I should get going.
    (Bad End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Bad End 4

Load Save 4

  1. I need to prepare myself first.
    (Bad End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Bad End 5

Load Save 5

  1. I could forgive him.
  2. I’m not.
  3. No
  4. Yes.
  5. It’s a burden.
    (Bad End)

Piofiore: Fated Memories Bad End 6

Load Chapter 8

Affinity: Low
Cooperation: Low

  1. I don’t know anything!
    (Bad End)

This is it! If you’ve followed all the guides thus far, you’ll have 100% completed the game! If you are missing any Dictionary terms or CGs, make sure you’ve played all six Prologo 1926 stories, all five Storia Triste stories, and the Finale Presagio, all of which can be found under Start. There are also five short stories under Extras that will need to be completed. Those should get you any that you might be missing.

Nicola, Gilbert, Dante, Yang, and Orlok in unbuttoned shirts posing.

Piofiore: Fated Memories Route Walkthrough Guides

The walkthroughs are as spoiler-free as possible, listed in the recommended order, and following them will lead to 100% completion of the game.

  1. Nicola Francesca’s Route
  2. Yang’s Route
  3. Orlok’s Route
  4. Dante Falzone’s Route
  5. Gilbert Redford’s Route
  6. Piofiore: Fated Memories Finale’s Route (You are here!)

Be sure to check out our Piofiore: Fated Memories Game Overview or our spoiler-free review for more information!

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