Holy cow! A year has gone by. Happy birthday, Yatta-Tachi! In a year’s time, our site has grown and expanded thanks to the hard work and dedication of the staff and you, our fans. Thank you. (You’ll be reading that a lot in this article… 😛 )
Thank you’s from the Yatta-Tachi Staff:
“It has been a year since I started manning our weekly TBT posts. It has been my pleasure and an ongoing learning experience writing for the series and for Yatta-Tachi. My joy is to research shows, songs, and people of the generations past and share what little I know with you. To you, readers of Yatta-Tachi, thank you for your continued readership and support.” – Detrop
Thank you so much for visiting Yatta-Tachi this past year! It hasn’t been easy getting off the ground, but your feedback and support have helped us all very much. I look forward to working with the rest of the team to bring you more of the content you enjoy. Keep reading, commenting, and reaching out to us! We enjoy hearing from you. ^_^ – Cindy (Rain)
Thank you for visiting Yatta-Tachi and checking out the articles posted! It means so much to us and we value your input. I have only been with Yatta-Tachi for about 4 months now, but even so, I already feel like part of the family. As I continue my work here on the site, I do promise to produce more reviews along with some editorials. Finally, all of this is thanks to you, the fans and our supporters. Without you, we wouldn’t be here. Thank You. – Julian (JuJu)
Our Mission & Our Future
Our mission has certainly evolved from its humble beginnings. Yatta-Tachi’s oldest fans remember the days when we were just a music broadcast on Grooveshark. They have watched us grow into the site we are today. Without their dedication and passion, we wouldn’t be where we are now.
Originally, we focused on finding the fans we lost and bridging the gap between Grooveshark’s shut down and keeping the community alive. Now, we are a beacon representing our fans, and with a fantastic staff, we have produced unique editorials and reviews to reflect our intent on being one of a
Our current and ongoing mission is to produce original content and expand our community. Not only do we write articles, but we also brought back the music broadcast. While I am not manning it full-time anymore, we have one heck of a crew in charge now, lead by Mallo.
As we’ve gained recognition in the community for our work, we have been presented with more opportunities, such as Japanese industry interviews and convention press coverage. These opportunities were only made possible with the help of my wonderful staff and our fans. For that, I thank everyone dearly. As we continue to grow, more doors will open for us, and we are excited to share that with our current and future fans.
To help us along the way, I think it’s time Yatta-Tachi got a new look.
Yatta-Tachi 2.0 aka “Happy Go Lucky”
New Logo/Branding
Gone is the generic san serif font, and replaced with a playful yet unique look. We will be rolling out the new branding all throughout today.
Launch date: Today
New Website

To better represent what Yatta-Tachi is about, Chris and I are working hard to revamp the site’s design and structure. This new design, which we are calling “Happy Go Lucky”, will create a better overall experience for whoever visits Yattatachi.com. There are four core elements we are focusing on for the new design:
- Easier Readability
- A Cleaner Responsive Design
- A Unique Style that’s all our own
- A Faster Loading Speed
I know it sounds like a lot of technical jargon, but just know Chris and I are working diligently and will explain further what those elements mean on our Launch Day article.
Tentative Launch Date: May 27th
As mentioned above, there are a lot of exciting things happening in the near future for Yatta-Tachi. Be sure to follow us on our social media for all the latest updates. Once again, thank you to all of our fans for your dedication and believing in us.
– Katy Castillo (Harley Gin)
Big thank you to our supporters
From their continous support, we are able to pay our team for their time and hard work on the site.
We have a Thank-You page dedicated to those who help us continue the work that we’ve been doing.
See our thank you page