2024 Screentoney Winners

Congratulations to all the winners!

NEW YORK, NY — July 14, 2024 — The Screentoney awards committee announces the winners of the third annual Screentoney Awards. Founded on the belief that manga localization professionals are extremely talented and under-appreciated, the Screentoneys honor folks for doing great work.

2024 Screentoney Logo

For the third year in a row, the Screentoneys celebrate the creative and editorial staff of manga localized outside of Japan. Any professional can be nominated, and the winners this year include letterers, translators, editors, retouch artists, designers, and proofreaders.

A record-breaking 69 awards were granted this year. All awards are submitted anonymously in advance by industry professionals, and submissions are encouraged to be uplifting, silly, or heart-warming.

Awards this year include:

  • “Letterer with the cutest doggos” (Nicole Roderick)
  • “The ‘This Book Is A Thousand Years Too Early Too Defeat Me’ Award for Complexity in Localization” (David Evelyn)
  • “Best character voices in translation” (Amanda Haley)
  • “Best Marvel Letterer Who Hasn’t Worked with Marvel” (Brandon Bovia)
  • “Best usage of math applied to lettering” (Gonzalo Recio)
  • “Pun-derful Wordsmith Award” (Jan Mitsuko Cash)
  • “The Are You Freaking Kiddin’ Me? Let’s Freaking Go Award for Excellence In Book Design” (Jimmy Presler)

The complete list of the 2024 Screentoney winners can be found at https://bsky.app/profile/screentoneys.bsky.social

The Screentoneys are fully volunteer-led and community-driven.

Big thank you to our supporters

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We have a Thank-You page dedicated to those who help us continue the work that we’ve been doing.

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About the Author

Katy Castillo

Teresa (Katy) Castillo. Owner & Editor-in-Chief of Yatta-Tachi! Hispanic. Puro 956. Queer AF. Femme. She/Her. You can find me discussing anime/manga, yelling about the importance of accessibility / inclusiveness / diversity, UX / Visual Design, and stress baking / cooking on Mastodon, Twitter, and Instagram.

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