Commenting On: Best Free (Legal) Websites To Watch And Stream Anime

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All Comments: 12

  1. Sudha sanjibanee says:

    and this is very helpful to go on with my journey to watch anime!

  2. Frangelica says:

    The lists are very helpful

  3. Frangelica says:

    thank you so much for the website list

  4. Ken says:

    Is it okay if you could add to the Japanese and international English You Tube channels of Chibi Maruko-chan and Coji Coji? Both are from Nippon Animation. They do not have a subtitled version but they do have a English dub (and other languages in the case of Maruko).

    Chibi Maruko-chan Japanese
    Chibi Maruko-chan International

    Coji Coji Japanese
    Coji Coji International

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Thank you so much! We updated the list! <3

  5. rick chame says:

    Hey buddy
    I have read your content that’s pretty cool but you skip some new anime sites which in I found these two sites
    1. [redacted]
    2. [redacted]
    Check it and update your content too.

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Most of the sites listed are illegal streaming sites. We only list legal anime streaming sites on this list. Thank you.

  6. Lucas says:

    You should add YouTube to the list 🙂

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Hi! Thanks for your comment, but YouTube is already on the list!

  7. SR says:

    Thanks! Would be even more helpful if dub/sub and/or languages available were indicated in this list, unless it’s self-explanatory and I’m just not aware of it…

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Thanks for the feedback! While we strive to make sure this list has as much information as possible, sometimes that type of info isn’t always readily available from the stream providers. If we can get it, we’ll see about adding it to our article!

    2. Frank says:

      You can watch both Subbed and Dubbed anime at [redacted]. It’s a clean well organized site with daily updates.