Commenting On: Wallpaper of the Month: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

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All Comments: 9

  1. brof says:

    Hi 😀 i know its been quite a while since these were posted but i figure i might as well ask, any chance you could resize this for an iPhone X/XR? These are the best dragon maid wallpapers I’ve come across!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Hi there! Thank you for reaching out! I just added the X/XR versions of the wallpapers! Enjoy~! <3

  2. Jackson Wyndow says:

    These are awesome I really hope they become a regular thing!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      That’s the plan! 😀

  3. Jerry says:

    Was hoping for a 1440×2560 res for the Galaxy s7 🙂 Love the work!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Hey, Jerry! I created a Galaxy s7 version! Let me know how it looks! Thanks~!

  4. Yukkinon says:

    Ahh. These look really good! Was hoping for a 1920×1080 resolution. Great job though!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      I added that resolution! Refresh the page to see them!! <3

      1. Yukkinon says:

        Thank you! I appreaciate it a lot!