Commenting On: Cafe Enchante – Misyr Rex Route Walkthrough (Spoiler‑Free)

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All Comments: 6

  1. Sara Otto says:

    Misyr has another Bad End, his Chapter 3 with low affection. Also, picking “I don’t mind it” in Chapter 4 leads to the same as when picking “I’m actually happy.”

    1. Kaley says:

      Thanks for letting me know! I’ve gone through all of Misyr’s route, found the issues, and will be updating the guide as soon as I can!

      1. Sara Otto says:

        You’re welcome and thank you for creating this guide. I really dislike playing blindly and not getting the best ending the first time around, but I’m always wary of walkthroughs that might give spoilers. Your style is perfect.

        1. Kaley Connell says:

          I’m so glad to hear that! Before I started making guides, I was the exact same way. It was hard to find a guide that didn’t have spoilers. It makes me super happy to hear my guides have helped you!

  2. Shania Ranger says:

    I cant seem to get the see how misyr is doing option in my game no matter what i do….help please? Ive even followed the route posts to get him up until chap 3

    1. Kaley Connell says:

      That option should only become available after you’ve gotten the Good End for all four other Love Interests. If you’ve gotten those and it’s still not appearing, let me know and I’ll see if I can figure it out!