Commenting On: Best Anime Tattoo Artists & Where To Find Them Pt. 3

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All Comments: 3

  1. Laura Brook says:

    What about in Japan???

    1. mikoy says:

      I don’t think there’s a lot of tattoo artists that does anime tattoos in Japan due to the Japanese public opinion/culture regarding tattoos and anime/otaku. Mix both of those and the Japanese society will be Judge, Jury and Executioner.

      With that being said, no Japanese tattoo artist in Japan is willing to do anime tattoos.

  2. Pedrospr says:

    Some really nice art there, i’m surprised people actually do anime tattoos. they all look really interesting and well made, making me feel like getting one myself haha (except for that one dragonball giant chest tattoo, i wouldn’t have the courage to do that )