Introducing Yatta-Tachi’s Gift Guide Collection

Our hand selected gift guides for fans of Japanese culture now have a home!

With the holidays coming up, we here at Yatta-Tachi wanted to make it easier for our visitors to quickly find great items to get for fans of Japanese culture.

We have been sporadically producing gift guides over the past year, but finding them on the site has become a problem. Never fear! Allow me to introduce to you our Gift Guide Collection microsite!

Yatta-Tachi Gift Guide Collection - Landing Page Preview

Here you will find the headquarters for all of our current and future gift guides. In one centralized location, you will be able to quickly find the gift guide of your choice.

What do the gift guides consist of?

You can find these and more hand-selected items in our guides!
You can find these and more hand-selected items in our guides!

We scoured the internet looking for the best items a fan of the culture could receive and where to find them. We’ve curated these gift guides with you in mind to bring you fantastic products from online shops, such as Amazon, RightStuf, J-Box and Tokyo Otaku Mode.

A Win-Win Situation

Yatta-Tachi Gift Guide Collection - Thank you
By using our affiliate links, you will help offset the costs to run Yatta-Tachi. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Yatta-Tachi is part of several affiliate programs that allow us to receive a small commission when you purchase the items through our gift guides. The commission isn’t added onto the price of the product, so you won’t be paying extra. When you shop, please use the links provided in our guides. By doing so, you help to support Yatta-Tachi and allow us to continue producing quality content for you, and for that, we thank you.

What would we like you to do?

Yatta-Tachi Gift Guide Collection - Share our guides on social media
Please share our guides with your friends and family and spread the word about them!

Share it on social media, show your friends, find a guide that you like and tell your friends/family to go there to find a gift for you! Suggest to us what gift guide you would like to see next! We are all ears and these guides are for YOU.

Are you ready? Here we go!

Ready to take a look at our gift guide collection? The wait is over!

Visit Yatta-Tachi’s Gift Guide Collection!

Big thank you to our supporters

From their continous support, we are able to pay our team for their time and hard work on the site.

We have a Thank-You page dedicated to those who help us continue the work that we’ve been doing.

See our thank you page

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