Commenting On: Zeke’s Board Game Revue – Go

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All Comments: 6

  1. detrop says:

    For beginners, there are 9×9 or 13×13 grid boards. Or you could DIY mask off a full 19×19 grid board into smaller areas to start.

    1. Zeke says:

      Yes! It is common for beginners to start on smaller boards to decrease the available moves, which makes the game less complicated. It also shortens the game so that you have more chances to practice.

  2. page777 says:

    Zeneraru, You’ve captured my attention.
    Thank you Zeneraru Zeke.

    1. Zeke says:

      Good luck Page! Maybe we can play some day. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

  3. Cindy Caraturo says:

    Go seems pretty complicated: those extra rules involving when it’s okay to place a piece in a self-capture situation are ones I’d likely forget while playing, though it makes the game more interesting.

    Maybe I’ll pick up a board one of these days and give it a go. (I just noticed I’ve made a pun. Apologies, it was unintentional.) I’ve played a digital version of it once before, but I lost to the computer every time…I could try again, now that I know the rules a little better. Can’t say I picked up the rules too well as I played.

    1. Zeke says:

      I think because of the sheer number of moves available on any given turn, it can be overwhelming deciding what to do. I have to agree that Go may not be the best game to just jump in and start playing. But with just a bit of study, you can be ready to play!