Commenting On: Women Writers of Shounen Manga

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All Comments: 3

  1. DaliaHearts says:

    Thanks for this article
    I was surprised that Magi & Deadman Wonderland were written by women
    The shounen female mangaka that I know are:
    Jun Mochizuki: she is known for her mystery manga series Pandora Hearts which was also adapted into anime
    Koyoharu Gotōge: she wrote the manga for the anime Demon Slayer
    Yuki Amemiya: she wrote the story of 07 Ghost the art was done by Yukino Ichihara which is also female

  2. detrop says:

    Kazuya Minekura of Saiyuki, Yuki Urushibara of Mushishi (though more seinen than shonen), and Miki Yoshikawa of Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches.

    Arakawa-san, please continue working on Gin no Saji~!

  3. andu says: