Commenting On: How The Legend of Zelda was (kinda) Its Own Genre

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  1. Gregory Vendramini says:

    Sup, detrop!

    I think the word most people would use here is ‘pioneer’. LoZ stablished the bases for what would become one of the most popular genres in the history of videogames, and it did it in a particular moment in time. Before, things were too simple for LoZ to work on consoles, and after that, internet and guides were so popular that the game posed no challenge.

    LoZ actually taught me how to enjoy videogames more: My first game of the series was Oracle of Seasons, and I remember the young Greg refusing to read any kind of walkthrough or guide. What’s the point of exploring a game if you already know what you’re going to find, right?

    Anyway, good piece. I enjoy your TBTs because most times you make me remember things that I had no idea I actually knew, or introduce me to something I was to young to appreciate at the time. If you’d take an advice, I would tinkle around the text a little. While it was entertaining and informative, you took quite a while to actually get to your point.

    Good to read you, as always 😀