Commenting On: When You Are Outside the Target Audience

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  1. Gregory Vendramini says:

    Clamp was great at doing this. Some of my favorite series ever are Cardcaptor Sakura and xxxHolic, which are supposed to be aimed at girls. I think some series are so good that people don’t even stop to think if they are for boys or girls. Pokémon games are a good example.

    I’m not a huge fan of Tommy Oliver, but he’s damn right. Power Rangers RPM was already ‘mature’ enough without being a violent mess. The fan film was well made and all, but it’s not PR.

    The Pokémon manga, on the other hand, is the perfect balance. Not because it’s not ‘childish’, but because the anime series is dull and repetitive.

  2. detrop says:

    Clamp has always play with this idea. Chobits, despite it’s flowy and very “feminine” art style, is geared towards the shonen demographic. So was X due to its action-packed scenes. Though, X also attracted female audience because of the art style and many tropes that are supposedly geared towards shoujo.

    I am glad you brought MLP up because that is one great example of a community and franchise that appeal to a vast audience. No, I am not one of them, but I can appreciate the passion and how much effort the whole community put in as a whole.

    I too agree that Pokemon should always be all-age appropriate. There was a similar happening with a fan-made G1 Power Rangers short. It touted darker and more violent story. Of course, it was quickly taken down. Tommy Oliver, the original Green Ranger remarked that PR should stay kids friendly. I agree. As much as I want to see more gritty Super Sentai stories, it should be a separate thing that is inspired by the franchise. Not a direct Violenrenjaa series.

    Perhaps, most importantly, taking part in these counter-cultures is always daunting.