Commenting On: HaruChika Episode 7 (The Frequency is 77.4 MHz) Review

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  1. Pedro Henrique Moura says:

    After I stopped comparing Haru Chika to a music based, I enjoyed the show much more. And now I think this “mystery of the week” fits perfectly the light tone of the show (though I’m still waiting something dramatic, since it’s PA)
    And I think the writers noticed the problem of the show. Haruta was leading the show, almost to the point of making Chika irrelevant. But now they’re changing a bit, though he still feels like a Gary Stu.
    About if he’s gay or not, is actually pretty interesting. He’s a very smart character, so if he was in a curious phase, I don’t think he’d be so open with Chika. So perhaps he’s really in love with the sensei, or there’s something else. Perhaps it’s a love like Reina’s (Hibike!) love for her teacher.