Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami) Review

Who ya gonna call? Kyoma & Mira!

Have you ever taken a good look at life and wondered if there is an alternate retelling for every event or action? Perhaps another world or earth where instead of the some outcome that happened, a different one happened instead? Well, this episode of Dimension W dives into that concept using dreams. Let’s roll with it and find out!

SPOILERS AHEAD! If you haven’t seen this episode, I would recommend that you stop here. If you haven’t watched the series, please have a look at my first impression of Dimension W, it’s spoiler free!

JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)

We jump in right where the last episode left off, with us finding out that Sakaki and Kamiki are one in the same. For the purpose of avoiding confusion, I will be referring Sakaki as Kamiki since we know his true name. We know that Kamiki wants to protect the world Mira has jumped into at all costs, which brings up the question of why he wants to do so. Something is definitely going on here…

I enjoyed the skirmish between Kyoma and the water-looking ghosts he fought against, as the action scenes in Dimension W are always a treat to watch. Along with that, Kyoma figures out that natural spring water is what affects the ghosts, since they can’t be touched using normal attacks. They are also connected to Lake Yasogami’s fog that surrounds the household; good thing Albert uses that lighter to turn the fire sprinklers on, since Ellie was a few moments away from her demise!

JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)

If you can stand the fan service distraction when Mira is chained up, we find out that by using her logic, she overwrites the world she is currently in, showing us this cool glowing effect on Mira. With her out of the world, and after a slightly comedic scene with Kyoma, she knows where Kamiki is and from there, the duo head off to find him. Apparently, Loser, from a couple episodes back, was in on this too, since we see Ellie is affiliated with him. Because Albert and Kyoma are on the scene, Loser wants no part in competing with two beasts of Grendel, which causes Ellie to back out of this mission, but I doubt this is the last we will see of her and Loser. As for those fodder antagonists that were after numbers in the last episode, it seems they are out of the mission since they met their doom by the hands of Kamiki’s ghost. Remember folks, this is what happens when you bite off more than you can chew!

JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)

While Mira and Kyoma are on their way to Kamiki, we get a flashback of what happened 21 years ago. This is where the story starts to climax, as we find out Kamiki, his friend Enamori, and the rest of the group, were using numbers to prevent a dam from activating since it would flood a village. Despite the plan, this sets off the tragic death of Enamori and his friends due to the flood interference. If you take a look at Enamori’s dead body, you can see that numbers is still activated, which ended up causing the creation of the false world were Kamiki saved his friends and due to this event, Kamiki thinks the world is created from Enamori’s memories and if you remember Marisa from the previous episode, this could tie to Marisa having those weird dreams at night. From there on, Kyoma and Kamiki duke it out and when I saw Kyoma wet his legs, I got major vibes from One Piece when Luffy fought against Crocodile since they fought in a similar fashion as well.

JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami) JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)

After Mira breaks that crystal-like object, we learn that Enamori actually lived and is Marisa! How interesting, since the previous episode managed to connect her to the dreams and kept her relevant, so that was a nice revelation that I wasn’t expecting. How she lived is also interesting, because the reality of 21 years ago was that Kamiki saved Enamori instead his friends, but she lost her memory due to the numbers activating. Much to Kamiki’s shock, we get this emotional scene between the two and it had the feels all over it. One thing to note here is Mira’s explanation of numbers and copies of worlds, which I’m glad we got to know. Dimension W has had its story and characters centered around numbers, so getting to know a little more of this dangerous coil and what it can do was great.

JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami) JuJu Reviews: Dimension W Episode 5 (The Mystery Hidden in Lake Yasogami)

All in all, the episode was good. It carried on and finished what was set up in the previous episode, involved the characters in the event, had a good explanation of why said event was happening, and even gave us information about numbers. That final scene in the end was creepy and suspicious at the same time, so I’m betting that will lead to something in the future as well. If there are any gripes I had with the episode, it would be the fan service, but other than that, everything was good and I look forward to what else Dimension W has in store for us!

Check out the other Winter 2016 Anime season related articles!

(Screenshot Credits: FUNImation)



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