Commenting On: Why Idolm@ster: Cinderella Girls is a Good Spin-off

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All Comments: 4

  1. Kwok says:

    Their latest game, Shiny Colors incorporates the competition with other idols and the WING festival as the ultimate goal for the idol. I also liked how you used TakeP as an example for CGSS mostly as a character. Between CG and ML, CG is gimmicky with the quirks of each idol and ML takes on the OG with slightly better polished VA and shows.

    >Ranko best girl
    ah I see, you’re a chunni culture as well

  2. Vacxy A. says:

    Hello. I loved your article. And I agree with the producer. In fact, thanks to he, i start to be a Producer, well as roleplay maybe.

  3. Julian Cadena says:

    Hello, how’s it going!

    I’m one of the reviewers here on Yatta-Tachi and I have seen some of your videos on Youtube as well! Your videos are fun to watch, so keep it up!

    I do agree that Cinderella Girls is a good spin-off, but despite that, I did enjoy the first Idolmaster better than I did with CG. The whole atmosphere felt very….homey in Idolmaster. Every episode felt like I was actually there with them, but I didn’t have that feel with CG. Again, it is a good spin-off though and the producer was definitely weird, haha.

    I look forward to your next article, sir!

    1. Matthew Li says:

      Hey, thanks for the comment! I completely see where you’re coming from about the original Idolm@ster, and I agree with you on that too. See you around on the site!