Commenting On: Highschool of The Dead is more than fan service

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  1. Top of the Marq says:

    This was one of the first anime shows that I watched when I was getting into anime during collage, just realized its been 4.5 years since I first saw HOTD. I really enjoy it and have been able to rewatch it for exactly the reasons you mention the characters seem like real people. Even if they are physically impossible.

    Though in all fairness and one of the reasons why I cannot ever knock a show for excessive fan service is that I was trier HOTD for the T&A (Tits and Action). If it helps get someone to watch anime its not the worst thing. This was the same reason why I started Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne which has some great characters and projections on the future of technology but does have torture porn aspects.

    1. Gregory Vendramini says:


      First of all, thanks for taking to time to read and comment on my article! When we write about things that aren’t ‘new’ but are not ‘classics’ either, not many people show interest into it.

      Fanservice is hardly a bad thing, don’t feel ashamed of it. I never watched Mnemosyne, but one of the things that first got my attention to the TV series ‘Spartacus’ was what you called T&A (and by the way, I’m definitely using that from now on).

      HOTD and many other shows that include nudity, porn, or ecchi, would never stand on their own. You can’t watch 20 minutes of porn each week for three months and say it’s a great series. You may come for the T&A, yeah, but if that’s all that there is to it, you’ll probably not come back.

  2. Terrance A. Crow says:

    Wow! So I’m not the only one who thought this! I’m relieved…

    I think your observation about the plot, complex characters, and realistic take on the zombie apocalypse is spot on.

    I also think the series had some of the strongest female characters I’ve seen. Saeko is wicked-powerful, and Saya is fiercely intelligent. I’d love to have them on my side when (if!) the zombies attack.

    1. Gregory Vendramini says:

      Hi, Terrance!

      First of all, thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

      You’re definitely not the only one. HotD has a lot of fan service, for sure, but there many strong characteristics overshadowed by that.

      You gave me a pretty good idea. I might write an article in the future about the best characters to have by your side during a zombie apocalypse. If you don’t mind, of course.
