Commenting On: Konosuba Episode 1 (First Impression) [Spoiler‑Free]

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All Comments: 3

  1. Pedro Henrique Moura says:

    I’m bias, since my favorite genre is comedy, but this is by far my favorite in this season.
    Though I do enjoy the rpg like stories, I was getting a bit tired. But this season brought was two interesting gems.
    Konosuba just takes every rpg thing a make fun of it. What Kazuma did to Aqua was hilarious. The other characters are great too. Megumin is my favorite. And the best scene to me was when Kazuma learned Steal and tried a bit, kkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

    1. Lauren says:

      Yeah the rpg anime is a bit overdone, I think that’s what makes this show so great. It’s totally aware of its ridiculousness and it’s great! I can’t wait to review the show in its whole.

      1. Pedro Henrique Moura says:

        The 4th episode was great! I knew those daily explosions would lead to something bad. But when I thought I would have some real action, it pulled my leg and made me laugh. I really can’t express how much I like this anime. I wish Konosuba be popular and have more seasons.