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All Comments: 6
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Welcome Greg!
I enjoyed your first(?) piece; I;m looking forward to more.
Hey there!
Yes, it’s my first piece here.
If I’m honest, it’s my first published piece ever in English, and I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
Hi Greg, welcome!
It is funny and saddening to see the implication and the popularity of using “so-and-so sucks!” as a method of expression. Because the phrase could contain a range of context, ideas, and meanings. From joking among friends to full-on hateful cuss. From “you made one small mistake”, “you’re an idiot (playfully, I hope)”, “you/that show/movie really are horribad”, “that novel lacks something” to everything you said above.
Maybe life is too short to have a more elaborate discussion that “suck” just becomes a shorthand to everything negative?
Hi! Thanks for the warm welcome!
I agree with you, but I think it has more to do with the fact that we, in general, are more inclined to extremes. Check the comments of any trailer or news about series, movies, videogames or whatever: You can find people saying it was the worst experience of their lives, and people claiming to be amazed by it. In other words, it seems to be hard to say an anime is 6/10, but easy to say it’s 10/10 or 1/10.
Well, if it was about time… You spend the same time saying “I didn’t like it” and “It sucks!” One hurts the fan, one doesn’t.
Thanks for reading!
Emma best girl
with a fish tail.
I wish I had a reason to extend this discussion further, but… Emma is superb.