Commenting On: Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ Review

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  1. Gregory Vendramini says:


    I agree with you completely on the anticlimactic take the movie takes on Frieza. It’s nice to see my favorite villain from that universe again and all that, but compared to other movie villains like Janemba and Brolly, Frieza was never a problem. It was a curb-stomp battle from beginning to end.

    Good review! 😀

    1. Cindy says:

      Thank you! If he had just been a little more of a challenge, the whole battle with him, Goku, and Vegeta would have been so much better for me. I guess I understand what they were going for with his personality being spoiled and him not knowing what training really consists of, but it kind of leaves you disappointed when you build up this awesome spectacle of a fight in your head.

      1. Gregory Vendramini says:

        I understand the whole idea of him being a brat and all that, but he could have pulled a better trick from his sleeve. All they did was a palette swap and he got beaten up anyway.

        I know GT isn’t the best saga, but what they did to Android 17 was much better, in my opinion. Bringing an old villain is dangerous because the heroes are stronger, so there needs to be a way to make up for that.

        Frieza is easily the most popular DBZ villain, so I really hoped for a better fight.

        Let’s just hope they don’t make the same mistake in the next movie!

  2. iamgamer413 says:

    A little note: Jaco was actually in another manga Toriyama did. He crashed on Earth, met Bulma’s sister Tights, and had his ship repaired by a four-year-old Bulma.

    1. detrop says:

      I was wondering if Neko Majin, another character in a short manga by Toriyama, would make an appearance in the movie. Turns out that he did not. Maybe in the future movie(s)?

    2. softly_raining says:

      Interestingly enough, I remembering when Viz Media announced that they would be releasing Jaco the Galactic Patrolman. I saw his character design and thought he kind of looked like Frieza (must be the coloring). Pretty weird how he turned up in the movie that has Frieza in it, eh? (^v^)

      1. detrop says:

        Jaco looks a lot more like Ultraman if you ask me. (points to TBT post for August 13)