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All Comments: 2
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All Comments: 2
I use to own a Tamagotchi, but I had to get rid of it because I kept getting anxiety from being afraid of killing it. When it did die, I would cry for days out of guilt.
I have always had a stronger bond with Digimon more so compared to Pokemon. I think it might be because they acted like my age and they faced issues that kids our age faced: death, crushes, responsibilities.
Such a great read! <3
Hi! It’s great to see you around here!
I haven’t had a Tamahotchi in ages, but I’ve heard the new versions don’t die. They just pack their things and leave in search of a new home.
On the other hand, the characters on Digimon were easy to relate to, in a way Pokémon never could.
Thank you for the compliment!
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