Commenting On: Best Anime Tattoo Artists & Where To Find Them

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All Comments: 14

  1. Paul says:

    Dylan Haught Saint Petersburg Florida Ink Werkx Tatoos

  2. Pedro says:

    Any one can do animated tattoo on Michigan please contact me

  3. Sasuke says:

    Can you do a Uciha Symbol from Naruto?

  4. Nikki says:

    @melvin_arizmendi on IG

  5. Bill says:

    @perjtattoo on IG

  6. Frogy says:

    I am struggling to find a anime tattooist in Korea.
    Does anyone have any recommendations?
    Thanks in advance.

  7. Jolt says:

    Anyone that can do Anime Tattoos in Texas? Please contact me.

  8. Greg says:

    Oh my, some of these are breathtaking. The colours on the Mononoke one are very, very good. I’ve been wanting to get one myself for a long time, but there aren’t many good anime tattoo artists where I live.

    Next time I take a trip to one of these places, I’ll come back with a brand new tattoo.

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      I’m having a second round coming soon! 😀

  9. SAOnline says:

    I’m really impressed by the detail. I love the Madoka x Sailor Moon one!

  10. detrop says:

    0A0……………………. woah……. I’m not a tattoo person but I can certainly appreciate the craft.

  11. page777 says:
