Commenting On: AnimeFest 2018 Cosplay Roundup

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All Comments: 8

  1. Sweatai Red (Justin Maxwell) says:

    I am Sweatai Red of the great Super Sweatai
    you have a photo of Sweatai Yellow, Sweatai Blue, Sweatai Cyan and I Sweatai Red
    You can Follow me Sweatai Red on all major soical media platforms

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Hi there! Thank you for letting us know! We updated the information!

  2. SkyGrazer Studios says:

    Hi there! Iā€™m the Nausicaa- my Instagram handle is @SkygrazerStudios

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Thanks for letting us know! We’ve updated the caption with your info!

  3. Brittain Mudge says:

    Hello! Great photos. I am the Ms.Joke cosplayer and those are my friends!
    I am @violettcos on Instagram.
    Aizawa is @playswithsquirrelsss, and Shinsou is @johnny_bullet_seeds.
    Thanks for the photo! šŸ™‚

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      No problem, and thanks for letting us know! We’ve updated the caption with all the handles!

  4. Mindy says:

    Great gallery! I’m the Utena and I go by The Geeky Seamstress on all my social media!

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Thanks for the kind words! We’ve updated the caption to reference your Instagram!