Commenting On: AnimeFest 2016 Cosplay Contest (Pt. 3)

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All Comments: 6

  1. mel sangsvang says:

    Thank you for the great picture! I was cosplaying Elder Scrolls online. (The one with the mask 😉 )

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      This might sound silly but… could you be more specific?

  2. Hellkitty says:

    Thank you for showing my cosplay i was in the Elder Scrolls online cosplay AnimeFest has always been my favorite con and your article definitely did it justice ❤❤❤

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      You’re welcome!!!

  3. BD Pinson says:

    Oh My God!!! Thank you so much for this article. I was Sephiroth in the cosplay contest. If you guys want to see more of Sephiroth or any of the other cosplays I’ve done, check out my Facebook page at BD Pinson

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Added credit!!! Thank you!