Commenting On: A-Kon 2019 Cosplay Roundup

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All Comments: 18

  1. Kris says:

    Hello! Sorry I’m late getting around to checking this out. I’m the fantasy Deku and my handle is @krispycosplays, the fantasy Bakugou is @beamstock, and the fantasy Sero is @layzeboyy. Thanks for the awesome photo!

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      No worries at all, and glad you liked it! I’ve updated the caption with all 3 handles!

  2. Jen says:

    Myself, my sister and our two best friends are the female Yu Yu Hakusho cosplay third to last. My sister, our Kuwabara, made every wig, stitched every outfit, all under two months. She truly rocks!

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      That’s awesome, and thanks for stopping by! Did you have any social media you wanted to add to the photo’s caption?

  3. Dave says:

    That’s me in the purple rain…ger…Instagram is @yoo_saw

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Fun costume & thanks for letting us know! I’ve updated the caption with your info!

  4. Nem says:

    Hello! I’m the Tifa (Nemesis Cosplay) with the Auron (soniabladecos)

    I’m also the Aranea (Nemesis Cosplay) with the king noctis (masamunewg)

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Thanks for the head’s up! I’ve updated both photos with the information you provided!

  5. Anilec Snikrep says:

    Hi there! I’m the Robin all the way on the left in the One Piece group photo. My IG is sugarskull_cosplay

    Thanks for the awesome photo!

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      You’re very welcome! I’ve added your info to the photo caption!

  6. Miranda says:

    Hello, I am the genderbent Todoroki and my friend is the genderbent Bakugou pictured with Froppy. Our Instagram handles are @cos_mir and @tournelis_cos

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Thanks, I’ve updated the photo with your information!

  7. David says:

    Hi! I was the Cloud cosplayer and can be found by the jnstagram handle @ryosuke91kc 🙂

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Awesome! Thanks for popping by to let us know! I’ve updated the caption with your handle.

  8. Oka says:

    Hi! I’m the Shigaraki with Toga and Deku! My insta is @okachanthedreamer ! The picture looks amazing!

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Glad you like it! I’ve added your handle to the picture for you!

  9. Alex says:

    Hi hi, I’m the Deku in the pic w the Toga and Shigaraki! My Instagram handle is @_xaeri ♡♡ thanks for the lovely pic aaaa

    1. Chris Brailsford says:

      Thanks for letting us know! I added your info to the caption!