Commenting On: A-Kon 27 (Day Two & Three Cosplay Roundup)

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All Comments: 14

  1. Andrew Tran says:

    Hello! I was Sir Archie, the one with the cat fan.
    My Instagram is @TrulyTranian
    Thank you for appreciating our cosplays and taking our pictures!
    It was a pleasure in meeting you!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      I added credit! No, thank YOU for the fantastic cosplay!!! <3

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Okey dokey! I add your names to the image’s caption! 🙂 Loved your dresses!

  2. Alexander says:

    I was the Armstrong cosplay.

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Alrighty! I added credit! 😀

  3. Danni says:

    The Hyrule Warriors Sheik from your photo is me! (Puns and Needles Cosplay)

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      I added your name and info to the image! Thank you! <3

  4. Lindsey Zertuche says:

    I’m Ponyo! I had so much fun! Thanks for appreciating my work!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      I added credit! I LOVED your cosplay!

  5. Julian Cadena says:

    That Star Fox cosplay, though!!

  6. David says:

    Hi! I’m Nightwing Nice running into you all!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Awesome!!! Do you have any social media I can link to or use for credit? 🙂 Great cosplay by the way!!