Commenting On: A-Kon 27 Cosplay Contest Roundup (Pt.1)

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All Comments: 22

  1. Rachel says:

    Hi! Late comment but photo #10 (the lady in the suit and the girl in red with the arm) is my mom and me! My alias is Pragmatic Idealist.

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Great job on the cosplay! I added credit! Thank you!

  2. Amanda Rodriguez says:

    Thank you for the amazing photos. I was the female Bunny in my Tiger and Bunny duo (the one in the red armor holding the award). My cosplay page is

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      You’re welcome! I added credit! <3

  3. Michael Storms says:

    I was the Caveman Link. It is called “The Missing Link” and I am Cos For Alarm Cosplay. 🙂

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Added Credit! 🙂

  4. Amelia says:

    The Sailor Moon group that won was “Luxe Dolls” and their Sailor Moon is Dani Peddington!

  5. Joshua Monroe says:

    Hi, i was Deathwing. Thanks for capturing such an awesome shot. My cosplay facebook page is (cosplay armory)

    1. Joshua Monroe says:

      Sorry for the double post. First comment never showed up lol

    2. Katy Castillo says:

      Added credit! Thank you!!!!!

  6. Joshua monroe says:

    I was the deathwing (entry #8 masters division) my cos-alias is “Mr. Monroe” and my cosplay page is “cosplay armory”

  7. Samantha says:

    Hi!! I was the Midna and my page is Double Trouble Cosplay on Facebook!! The photo look great, thanks for the shot

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Alrighty! Added credit to the image!! <3

  8. Caitlyn says:

    I was the Neo Queen Serenity from Sailor Moon!

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      AHHHHHH!!! I LOVED LOVED LOVED your cosplay! I’m adding credit now!

  9. Nikolas Serralta says:

    Hey there Katy you took some awesome pictures from the contest! I was the Lone Survivor from Fallout 4 cosplayer with the sword! Here’s my social media page…

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Awesome! I’m adding your info now!

  10. Anne says:

    LuxeDolls (@luxedollstx on Instagram) were the Sailor Moon group! 🙂

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      No worries! I already added y’all’s info in the subtitle of the image <3

    1. Katy Castillo says:

      Awesome cosplay! I added credit!