Commenting On: Yatta-Tachi’s 2010 Top 5 Anime Recommendations (Spoiler‑Free)

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  1. Brian Huss says:

    I like your list, particularly Angel Beats and HotD 🙂

    I’d like to share my favorite of that year with you: Sound of the Sky (Sora no Woto), an anime which will be with me forever. The main theme is that, regardless of what a person has suffered, or what suffering that they may have inflicted on others, that person can still find redemption and a path to carrying on in life. The main character is like a catalyst which, when she touches the lives of the others in her platoon, it starts them to, on their own terms, reclaim themselves and their futures, all set in the wrecked remains of a world still wounded by an aborted alien invasion three centuries prior.