Revenge – Mrs. Wrong Volume 1 Manga Review (Spoilers)

“Why don’t we make the switch permanent?” - Tsukiko

Content Warning: Revenge – Mrs. Wrong contains explicit sexual content, dubious consent, sex in a semi-public place and rape. Please refer to The Spice section for more details.

At a Glance:

Spice Level: 2/5
Mosaics: N/A
Recommend: No
Content Warnings: Sexual assault, rape, dubcon, sex in semi-public places

A woman in a white, sleeveless wedding dress is being held bridal style by a faceless man. The woman has her arms wrapped around the man’s neck. It is unknown whether this woman depicts Mitsuki or Tsukiko.

Tsukiko and Mitsuki may be identical twin sisters, but that’s where any similarities they have end. Mitsuki, the younger sister, has always been praised for everything she’s done. She’s conscious about her hair and looks, always has her nails done, and has had a plethora of men in her life. Mitsuki has always gotten what she’s wanted, even if it meant stepping all over her older sister. On the other hand, Tsukiko has worked hard to get away from her parents who play favorites and her younger, abusive sister. She doesn’t much care for how she looks or dresses, and despite her best efforts, she always finds herself at the whims of her younger sister.

When Mitsuki cajoles Tsukiko into coming over to her place in a rush, Tsukiko expects there to be an actual emergency. Instead, Mitsuki asks Tsukiko to once again act as her stand-in on a date. Tsukiko has done this before, and even though she hates it, she can’t find the courage to say no to her domineering sister. This time is a little different, though, as Tsukiko will be on a date with Mitsuki’s fiancé at a meeting with their wedding planner. Before Tsukiko can put up any sort of fight, Mitsuki takes off with bags in hand to go to Bali with one of her on-the-side boyfriends.

The entire meeting is a struggle for Tsukiko as she pretends to be her sister and not mess anything up for her, but it gets worse when Akito, Mitsuki’s fiancé, asks her to come to his place for a while. While there, things get hot and heavy between the two, and before she knows it, Tsukiko falls in love with Akito! Finally finding the courage to do something for herself, Tsukiko tries to convince Mitsuki to make their swap permanent so that she can be the one to marry Akito, but Mitsuki isn’t going to let that fly. Thus begins the war of revenge between the twins.

The Good

The translation and lettering for this manga are very good.

The Bad (Contains Spoilers)

Everyone in this manga is a piece of shit.

Literally, every single one of them. There’s Tsukiko who definitely has a lot of trauma, yet suddenly has a complete personality change from a quiet and shy woman into a desperate “pick me” when she rapes/gets raped by Akito. She ends up wanting to continue pretending to be Mitsuki to keep Akito to herself instead of, oh, I don’t know, telling the guy that his fiancé has been cheating on him since they got together and that the woman he keeps ‘having the best time’ with is actually her. Because starting a relationship where you’re not pretending to be your sister just doesn’t make sense, I guess?

Even though he’s only around for a minute, one of Mitsuki’s boyfriends, Muramoto, makes an appearance. He is also human garbage. His narcissism is so strong, he can’t imagine that a woman he’s interested in wouldn’t want to have sex with him. And instead of taking the words, ‘stop’, ‘no’, or, ‘I’m not Mitsuki’ at face value, he concludes that of course this woman wants to have sex with him! He’s him! Her crying, not looking at him, and shaking in fright is definitely just part of the roleplay or something.

Then you have Mitsuki, the biggest bitch of them all. The one who is constantly putting her older sister down because of her looks, forcing Tsukiko to be her stand-in so she can cheat on every guy she’s ever been with without getting caught, and not giving a damn about who she hurts or walks on to get what she wants. And let’s not forget that she purposefully sets her sister up to be raped by one of her flings.

While the characters themselves are bad enough, the plot and how they interact with it isn’t any better. You’ve got characters whose only personality trait is narcissism, characters who start acting out of character right after you meet them, and characters who are so oblivious, it should be a crime. I’ll admit, I was interested in the premise. The idea of a dark romance josei felt right up my alley. But this was just a cluster of bad tropes, poorly written characters, and a plot that caught on fire and went off the rails.

The Spice (Contains Spoilers)

There are three main sex scenes as well as a few quick depictions of sex and/or heavy petting. All three of the sex scenes contain dubious consent and rape.

In the first one, Tsukiko is pretending to be Mitsuki, and thinking that he’s with Mitsuki, Akito initiates sex. Tsukiko does say ‘no’ but does not try to stop the interaction because she feared Akito would realize something was up and it would mess up Mitsuki’s relationship with him. During the scene, Tsukiko’s thoughts do point towards not wanting to have sex with Akito.

In the second main scene, Tsukiko is again pretending to be Mitsuki and goes to Akito’s workplace to see him. They have sex in an office space with Akito once again thinking he’s with Mitsuki.

The final main sex scene involves Mitsuki setting Tsukiko up to be raped. Under the guise of wanting to talk and make up, Mitsuki invites Tsukiko over to her apartment and instructs her to let herself in as Mitsuki will be working late. At the same time, Mitsuki invites one of her more demanding and masochistic boyfriends over to her place, knowing that the man is desperate to have sex with her. When Tsukiko and the boyfriend meet at Mitsuki’s apartment, the man jumps Tsukiko. She repeatedly tells him to stop and that she’s not Mitsuki, attempting to explain they’re twins, but the man doesn’t buy it since Mitsuki has never mentioned having a twin before. He assumes this is some sort of roleplay, then proceeds to tie Tsukiko up and rape her.

The Verdict

There wasn’t a thing about this manga that I liked. The characters are awful, the plot is all over the place, and the way that the story handles the rape scene had me scrubbing myself raw trying to feel clean again. While the general premise of the book drew me in, the execution was severely lacking. I won’t be picking up the sequel, and I’ll be wary of anything else this mangaka releases.

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You can purchase Revenge – Mrs. Wrong on Amazon, Bookshop, the Crunchyroll Store, and Barnes & Noble.


Story and Art by Sayo Momota
Translation by Amber Tamosaitis
Adaptation by Matthew Birkenhauer
Lettering by Carl Vanstiphout
Original Cover Design by Nao SAKAMOTO (alpadesign)
Cover Design by H. Qi
Proofreader Danielle King
Production Designer Christina McKenzie
Senior Editor Jenn Grunigen
Published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment

The Good

  • The translation and lettering are good

The Bad

  • The characters are poorly written
  • The plot is incredibly far fetched and cringy
  • There is nothing redeemable about this manga

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About the Author

Kaley Connell

An avid reader, gamer, and writer obsessed with romantic comedies and dramas. When she's not eyeball deep in a good story, she's probably redecorating in FFXIV or romancing a cute 2D boy.

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