August 2019 Manga / Light Novel / Book Releases

August is here, and that means it’s time for back to school sales! While you’re out buying things (or just banking on the deals meant for students), why not pick up a few volumes of manga? There’s nothing like that new book smell, and if the end of summer has you feeling down, a new volume of your favorite manga (or even a totally new story) will lift your spirit right back up. So without further ado, check out our August 2019 manga / light novels / book release roundup!

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August 4

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August 5

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August 6

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August 9

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August 10

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August 11

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August 12

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August 13

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August 14

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August 17

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August 18

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August 19

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August 20

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August 24

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August 26

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August 27

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About the Author

Katy Castillo

Teresa (Katy) Castillo. Owner & Editor-in-Chief of Yatta-Tachi! Hispanic. Puro 956. Queer AF. Femme. She/Her. You can find me discussing anime/manga, yelling about the importance of accessibility / inclusiveness / diversity, UX / Visual Design, and stress baking / cooking on Mastodon, Twitter, and Instagram.

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