Oh, man, it has been a year since Yatta-Tachi started. What? What do you mean, “not yet”? Yes, I know that Yatta-Tachi started on May 1, but this article is going up just a few days early. I think I am allowed to round up. Speaking of round up, I gathered our ten most popular original editorials from the past year for this #ThrowbackThursday special. The countdown starts in 10…
10. When Your Favorite Anime Sucks
Did you think I was going to count down to 0 before starting? Anyway, have you ever found yourself giving or at the receiving end of “your [insert anime/manga name] sucks”? Greg explores some hidden meanings behind that hurtful phrase in his insightful and introspective editorial. I think it is better to be a little more elaborate than using that simplistic and negative phrase.
9. Winter 2016 Anime Season Hashtags
The Winter 2016 anime season was a blast. To start off the season, Katy compiled a big list hashtags for you SocMed-ers (is this what the cool kids say nowadays?) out there. For those of you who are catching up, or have deliberately waited for the season to end so you could marathon it, have a look at the list and tweet your lungs out with the correct hashtags!
8. The Waifu & Husbando Of Fall 2015 Anime Season
This lovely editorial is based on a short survey over at Crunchyroll about their chosen waifu and husbando of the Fall 2015 anime. Who made the cut? Click on the link above to find out!
7. A Quick Guide to Enjoying Foreign Cultures While Avoiding Stereotypes
This editorial has a lot of quick and useful information on learning about a different culture. Even though Greg is using Japanese culture as an example, his points can be applied to various others too. My biggest takeaway is not to be afraid of making mistakes but also to make an effort to acknowledge and correct them.
6. Why We Should Stop Pirating Anime in 2016

Greg has amped up the controversy and rightfully so. The global anime community has grown pretty big, but there are many who still pirate, stream, and watching from non-legal sites. Greg goes into detail about why pirating is damaging our beloved Japanese pop culture. Seriously, do not close one eye to the matter of anime piracy. Which brings us to number 5…
5. Ultimate List of Legal Anime Streaming Sites & What Countries They Are Available In
Call it a coincidence or call it fate, because this comprehensive list goes hand-in-hand with our number 6 above. If you want to support more legal streaming sites, and in turn, support your favorite anime, you have Katy to thank. Yes, not every country has legit anime or Japanese streaming channels, but for those of you who can get access to them, every little bit of your contribution can help.
4. Best Anime Tattoo Artists and Where to Find Them
If you have been itching to get some tattoos for your One True Pair, your waifu or husbando, or your favorite anime meme (not judging), Katy has you covered. There are many tattoo artists who are amazing at creating beautiful ink art. This is just one of two posts on the subject.
3. Why Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash Is One of The Best Shows This Season
Zach, one of our guest contributors poured out his thoughts on why Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash is his choice for Winter 2016’s best anime series. Drop by and read his detailed points about this claim. Feel free to leave a comment or two regarding his bold statement. I am sure you will have some.
2. Anime and Mental Health: The Connection
Some anime fans may have noticed by now that there are some shows that deal with or contain characters with mental health issues. Some of the characters may come across as simply quirky, but that may not always be the case. This article lists and talks about a few of our beloved anime residents and what mental health issues they have.
1. Best Anime Tattoo Artists and Where to Find Them Pt. 2
At the very top, we have the follow-up to the popular article showcasing anime tattoo artists! This second compilation has various ink artists from different countries. Just like the first compilation, there are some gorgeous needle works in this editorial.
Now, these original write ups would not have made it here if not for you, dear readers. It has been a year full of happenings. We would like to thank you for coming by to read our articles and interact with us. We really hope you will continue your support because this is only our warm-up.
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